Caring for your Teeth as you Age
As you age, it is important that you take care of your health as best as possible by going for physical check ups regularly as well as going to the eye doctor and dentist too! In this post we'll discuss why caring for your teeth and oral health is even more...
All about Invisalign
Are you considering getting Invisalign? Or, has your doctor suggested that you might need to get Invisalign? If either of these is the case and you aren't sure about it or have several questions, then continue reading this article and hopefully by the time you're done...
Tax Day is April 17
April 4 is Walking Day!
April 1 is Easter Sunday!
April 1 is April Fool’s Day
Baseball Season is here!
Doctor’s Day is March 30
St. Patrick’s Day Trivia (Click on the Link to View)
Copy and paste the question into your news feed and let the fun begin. Offer a gift card to a person with the right answer. Don’t award it until the end of the day so everyone gets a chance to play. You can choose a person at random or in order of answer. How is a...