Did your kid just get their first cavity? Are you wondering how this happened? What should you do now? If you are worried as to what will happen now and what you should do so that you can prevent them from getting cavities again in the future then continue reading this post.

  1. Your kid’s oral hygiene habits come from you as they see how you brush and what you do to keep your teeth clean and healthy. If you’re someone who brushes twice a day, flosses their teeth and rinses with mouthwash, more than likely your kids will follow the same habits as you. Instilling good habits for yourself is just as important as doing so for your kids. If you’re having trouble getting your kid to brush then make brushing a fun activity for them. Start by allowing them to choose a toothbrush color or design that they would like and let them choose their favorite flavored toothpaste. By doing the above-mentioned things, your kid should be on the right track to clean and healthy teeth.
  2. Another very important factor related to cavities is the diet. What does your kid’s diet consist of? If your kid is eating lots of foods that are unhealthy and high in sugar then that gives them more of a chance for getting cavities. It is important that your kid is eating foods that contain key nutrients for the body and also keep their teeth strong. If your kid does consume a lot of sugar on a daily basis it might be a good idea to cut down on it and when they do eat sugar, make sure that they are cleaning their teeth afterward.
  3. In addition to what kids are eating, what they drink is also important. If your kid likes drinking a lot of juice and/or soda this could also cause cavities. Juices as well as sodas, all have high amounts of sugar in them. If your kid doesn’t brush their mouth or rinse their mouth, the sugar will build up on their teeth and can cause plaque buildup. If your kids want to drink juice and soda then make sure that then clean their teeth or drink water directly after.
  4. Lastly, it is extremely important that you take your kids for regular dental checkups so that you can be sure that they are keeping their teeth healthy and clean. By going for regular visits to the dentist, they help clean your kid’s teeth so that they won’t get cavities.


The best thing you can do for your kid in helping them avoid getting cavities again is to follow the tips above in ensuring that your kid’s teeth stay clean and healthy. If you have further concerns or questions please contact your dental care provider so they may assist you.