Strawberries are delicious and healthy fruits, that are packed with nutrients and great health benefits. Read below to find out more about these great tasting fruits and their health benefits.

  • Strawberries contain Vitamin C, which is great in boosting your immunity as well as helping with the overall care of your eyes.
  • The Vitamin C that is in strawberries is a key antioxidant that helps prevent cancer.
  • Strawberries can help fight bad cholesterol.
  • Strawberries are also great in reducing inflammation of the joints.
  • If you have high blood pressure then you need to make sure to regulate it. Having potassium is important for you and since strawberries consist of potassium you can eat them to help regulate and or lower high blood pressure.
  • Strawberries contain fiber, which is essential for healthy digestion.
  • Lastly, strawberries are great in assisting with weight management. They are low in calories, and low in sugar and sodium.

Hopefully these health tips will help you stay or become healthy. There are many great ways you can eat strawberries so feel free to dip some in yogurt or make yourself a smoothie. Whatever it is that you do with the strawberries, hope you enjoy them and stay healthy!