Candy Alternatives for Halloween Trick or Treating
Break from Halloween candy tradition with a trip to your local school supply store. School supplies? Sure. But think less wide-ruled paper and more in the realm of orange and black. Halloween-themed pencils, stickers, coloring books and crayons or markers are often...
Does diet affect my child’s teeth?
Yes. Avoiding sweets, sticky foods, and between meal snacks is good advice. To avoid cavities, limit sweet snacks and drinks between meals. Have meals and snacks at regular times. Teeth-friendly snacks include foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Baby bottles...
How can I best care for my child’s teeth?
Good dental hygiene habits should begin before your child's first tooth comes in. Wiping your baby's gums with a soft damp cloth after feedings helps to prevent the buildup of bacteria. When teeth appear, start using a soft children's toothbrush twice a day. Fluoride...
Caring for Baby’s Teeth Starts Before Birth
A child's dental health begins at the time of conception, says an expert who recommends mothers-to-be visit the dentist before, during and after pregnancy. "The mother's dental health affects her overall health and her baby's health. Statistically, mothers with poor...
8 Things About Daylight Saving Time
Turn clocks back 1 hour on November 6 1. It’s “daylight saving time,” not “daylight savings time.” Many people render the term’s second word in its plural form. However, since the word “saving” acts as part of an adjective rather than a verb, the singular is...
Halloween and Healthy Smiles
Halloween is around the corner, which for most children means bags of free candy and a chance to build a stockpile of sweets for the winter. No surprise, Halloween can also present parents with a variety of health and safety challenges. “It’s OK to eat that candy on...
National Nut Day – October 22
National Nut Day is observed annually on October 22. This day is NOT about the neighbor that lives down the street or the crazy friend; it is a food holiday that celebrates a healthy and nutritious snack. Nuts are a highly prized food and energy source and are an...
October is National Pasta Month and October 17 annually celebrates National Pasta Day. Pasta lovers celebrate! Pasta is a type of noodle of traditional Italian cuisine, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily and first attested in English in 1874....
Happy 241st Birthday to the Navy – October 16
On October 13, 1775, the United States Navy was established. The day is celebrated as the birthdate of the American navy. Naval Celebration The day is mainly celebrated by personnel, veterans, or other people related to the navy. Usually, it is marked with a Navy...
World Food Day – October 16 – Food for Thought
World Food Day is a day of action against hunger. On October 16, people around the world come together to declare their commitment to eradicate hunger in our lifetime. Because when it comes to hunger, the only acceptable number in the world is zero. World Food Day...