The first week of Spring has finally arrived! Spring time is always a wonderful time of the year filled with flowers blossoming and beautiful weather. There are many great things one can do during the Spring time. If you are looking for a great way to start the Spring and need some ideas then continue reading this blog to find out what you can do.

Here is a list of ideas to get your Spring week started:

  • Spring Cleaning (A great way to clean up around the house, get rid of unwanted items and even donate to a charity of your choice)
  • Flowers (You can go buy flowers from a flower shop or even go flower picking)
  • Walking (Spring time brings great weather so why not put on those walking shoes and enjoy the wonderful weather with a nice walk)
  • Try something new (This Spring why not make it a time to start a new class of some sort, whether it’s a workout class or arts class)
  • Cooking (If you enjoy cooking, then why not try out some new fun recipes in the kitchen and maybe even get the family involved)
  • Gardening (Spring time is for watching flowers blossom so why not plant some new flowers in your garden)

Hopefully these ideas will help you get you started for the first week of Spring. Enjoy the weather and enjoy this Spring!