Making a good impression on someone you meet for the first time is important, so why not have a beautiful smile. Most people do not spend a decent amount of time maintaining good oral hygiene but do not fret because there are many things one can do to maintain good oral hygiene. First things first, is to make sure that you are visiting the dentist on a regular basis, that means going for teeth cleaning at least once or twice a year. Going to the dentist prevents tooth decay, gum disease and also prevents plaque from building up on your teeth. Secondly, you want to make sure that you are keeping your toothbrush clean so it is not collecting bacteria. Cleaning your toothbrush and storing it properly is important as part of good oral hygiene. Lastly be sure that you are changing your toothbrush on a regular basis.

There are many foods that we all love eating but are also bad for our teeth. Knowing, and eating the right types of food can help you eliminate you harming your teeth. The main foods that you can try to avoid or have less of are types of foods that are sticky and chewy, sour, starchy and drinks that are bubbly. If you are consuming large amounts of these foods then you are not taking  proper care of your teeth.  Sticky and chewy candy can either get stuck in between your teeth or on your teeth and that just leads to plaque and tartar build up. Sour foods such as citrus fruits are high in acidity which can eventually lead to you damaging the enamel in your teeth. Certain starchy foods can also have a bad effect on you teeth because certain starchy foods can actually break down into sugars instantly.  Bubbly drinks such as, sparkling water and vitamin water can also be harmful to your teeth because of the acid that is in those types of drinks.  Lastly NEVER chew on ice because you might accidently crack your teeth.

Another way to avoid dental problems is by simply doing small things for your teeth when you can such as, using a straw while drinking coffee and juices and  avoiding the certain types of foods that could damage your teeth. Also, make sure you are drinking water when you can especially after your meals so that it can help with rinsing away some of the food. Hopefully if you try doing some of the above listed things as well as avoiding certain foods you will be able to maintain clean healthy teeth and can show off that beautiful smile.

“Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.”  – Connie Stevens